Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh, lordy, my nips hurt!

I guess it's something that I'd conveniently forgotten from my days of running cross-country in high school. Or perhaps I repressed the memory, like I do with all horrible things.

Either way, I certainly recall it now:

running = chaffing

I'd become reacquainted with the chaffed inner-thighs thing a few months ago, and got some new undies that took care if it.

Over the last few weeks, I've experienced some new chaffing. On my nipples. And it's getting worse. Seriously, it's like running in sand-paper shirts.

I hear there is some sort of roll-on anti-chaffing stuff, like a deodorant stick. As soon as I figure out where to buy some, I most definitely will do so.


  1. Haha this made me laugh! I'm a runner, but I'm also quite a "busty" girl, so I've never had to deal with chafing due to a seriously heavy duty sports bra. Ha great post though!

  2. Try "Body Glide". It's what I use and it saves me!... not from the nipples of course... never had that problem. I use it for my thigh's though. I bought mine at a running store, but they probably sale it at Sport's Authority and stuff too though. It lasts forever, I've only ever had to buy one. Vaseline also helps until you get some!
