Monday, August 15, 2011

Whaling Adventure

We went to California this weekend to see the blue whales, all for Katy's birthday present. I'm talking about actual blue whales, here. The biggest animal EVAR! And we saw some. Big ones.

Having seen gray whales a few months ago, I was excited. I was awed by the hugeness of the gray whales, and I knew that the blue whales would be bigger. But how much

Here are some pictures that don't do the amazing creature justice.
After following this particular pair of whales for a few minutes, and getting only a long of glimpse, and a few crummy pictures, a boat full of partying drunkards came speeding through. This caused our whale friends to dive deep, change direction, and stay under for a long time, all in an attempted to ditch them (and us, unfortunately).

Well, we found them again, got off a picture or two, and the partying douche bags were back. Once again, we were searching for our whales. It went on and on like this for about 2 hours, until our allotted cruise time was up and we had to head back. We got to see a few dolphins on the way in.
The whole experience, though we did get some 'good' looks at some blue whales, left all 150ish of us pretty disgruntled about this particular boat load of jerks. Why did they have to screw with a bunch of people that were trying to have a good time. A good time they paid for. Why do some people "want to watch the world burn," as Nolan put it. That particular behavior is what is wrong with the world. Seriously.
Well, we still enjoyed ourselves. I got a little sunburned. And our little Katy-bug got to see her whales, even though she spent most of our ocean voyage sick below decks. She had been feeling off all morning, and the boat sent her over the edge, I guess. It was unfortunate that she missed most of the whale viewing, since the trip was for her. Maybe one day we can bring her back and do it again. And have a better overall experience.

The last part of our adventure involved getting back home. We were quite stuck in California. We'd flown out on JetBlue, on stand-by. But when we tried to fly home the same way, all the flights were full. So were Delta's, and the rest were too expensive (no non-rev agreements). We ended up driving home all of last night. A good 11 hours in the car.

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