Monday, June 18, 2012

Nerd Fitness Challenge

I never blogged about my last challenge on, but I should have. It's awesome.

First of all, you create a character. You chose a race and a class. Then you ive yourself some starting stats. That's right, it's the DnD of fitness.  Here's my charater currently:

Level 2
Half-elf Ranger

With each 6 week challenge (one is starting today), you set goals and assign the stat points you'll earn for each goal.

Here are my goals for the next 6 weeks:

1. Exercise 6 days a week. (STR 1, DEX 1, CON 1, STA 1) No matter what. I usually do good for a week or two, and then fail miserably for a month or two. The goal here is to break that cycle. 

2. Track diet and eat healthy. (CON 4) I have the same cyclical problems with diet that I do with exercise. And again, I will break that cycle. To accomplish this goal and get full points, I will track my food consumption every day, and I will be below my goal calories 6 out of 7 days a week.

3. Get to 10 unassisted pull-ups. (STR 4) This was one of my goals last time. I got from 2 to 5 without really even trying that hard. If I work at it the whole 6 weeks this time, I will make it for sure.

4. Blog 2 times a week. (WIS 1, CHA 1) I love to blog, and to write, but my poor blog has sat untouched for months now. This is goal will get me doing again something I love.

As you all know, I'm a lazy SOB. That's why I set goals that require some dedication and consistency.

Now, since today is the start of the challenge, I will definitely be working hard to start off right. I didn't work out this morning, since I needed extra recovery time from the weekend. The hike I went on yesterday took a lot out of me. I will exercise tonight though. It's an Insanity day.

Also, I'm tracking my food at Which has always been a helpful tool, but I've not been consistent at it.

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