Monday, October 17, 2011

Am I the 99%?

I have debt. I have lots of debt. I have soul-crushing amounts of debt. I lie in bed at night stressing it. It affects my relationships through lack of sleep and an over abundance of stress. I work 70 hours a week just to drown more slowly.

I guess I am part of the 99%.

But then, I wonder...

No one forced debt upon me. All if it is in direct result of decisions I made. Although, some of it was taken on with certain plans in mind, like career opportunities that are no longer possible. Some was taken on because I had an extremely sick wife, and doctors like to be paid. Some was built up slowly over a long period of unemployment, and then another, albeit shorter one, a few months later.

I guess that makes me a hybrid.

I have debt that I naively assumed. I didn't understand where it would lead, and I was fooled by false promises. My fault.

I have debt that life circumstance forced me into. I saw no other alternatives, and I still don't.

Am I angry at the system that facilitated my financial ruin, like those 'occupy' people? Yeah. Hell yeah!


I am angry at myself, too. I'm angry at myself for not learning more about the consequences before signing. I was short-sighted and greedy and gullible.

I suffer and my family suffers. I have been a burden to my loved ones.

It's my fault. Not solely my fault. But I'd say at least 60% my fault.

I think one of the major problems with people today is the inability to take responsibility for their decisions. You have to place blame where blame is due.

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