Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Best 10 Years

I have been married for <==== that long. Today is Tauni's and my 10 year anniversary. Double digits, baby!

It's kind of interesting to look back over the last 10 years. 2010 was the worst we'd had. 2011 started out just as bad but has gotten better. We had some rough spots, on occasion, but the overwhelming majority of our life together has been wonderful. We, through inspiration, were able to squeeze two wonderful girls into this world before infertility problems hit us. If's we'd done as the world suggests and waited "until we were ready", we'd be kid-less right now.

Ben and Tauni in their naively idealistic youth. 

Tauni, you are the love of my life. After ten years of being with you, I love more than ever. I still look at you sometimes and think "How did I get such a wonderful wife?" I'm convinced I tricked you into marrying me and you're just to lazy to leave me now. :-) You are beautiful, kind, loving, and honest. You always put others first, especially the kids and I. You inspire me to be better. Thank you, for loving me (I almost broke into a Bryan Adams song right there, but I resisted).

Anyway. the time at the top of this post will keep counting up. I hope we never have to stop it.

Here's a bunch of random pics from the last 10 years, most of them are from the last 3...but oh well...

Proof that our girls were once much, much cuter. Why'd they have to grow up?

Me, giving in to my zombie tendencies. Yup, that's a human brain.

I used to fly airplanes. Don't ask me about it, it's kind of a touchy subject.

Here we are at the highest point in Oklahoma.

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